May 4, 2023 | Infographic
What Happens When We Invest in Children Impacted by Domestic Violence? Findings from the Inaugural Cohort of SSAPC Demonstration Grantees
Between 2016-2020, approximately $20 Million was appropriated for the Family Violence Prevention and Services Discretionary Grant: Specialized Services to Abused Parents and their Children (SSAPC).
The 12 funded projects piloted innovations to strengthen system responses, improve capabilities to serve domestic violence (DV) impacted children and youth, alleviate DV related trauma impacts among child and adult survivors, and deepen relationships between children/youth and parents.
Promising Futures, a project of Futures Without Violence was funded as the national capacity building center and was the primary technical assistance provider to the SSAPC grantees. Following the end of the first demonstration grant, Promising Futures undertook a systematic review and abbreviated outcome harvest of annual progress and evaluation reports with support from Strategic Prevention Solutions. This infographic
provides an overview, and examples, of the changes experienced by children and families and across the DV serving ecosystem that are attributable to grantees’ strategies, efforts, and actions throughout the grant period.