August 1, 2006 | Practice Guidance
The Co-Occurrence of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse and Neglect: A Guide for Crisis Center Advocates
Publication Date:
August 2006
The purpose of this guide is to sustain the education and best practice enhancements that were begun by the Greenbook Project and it should be used as a cross-training tool, as well as a guide for advocates in their direct work with clients. Portions of this guide should be incorporated into crisis center training for new advocates and volunteers.
This guide is designed to enhance advocates’ knowledge about the complexities of cases in which domestic violence and child abuse and/or neglect are present, referred to often as cooccurrence cases. It is also presented to increase knowledge of the systems that collaborate in such cases including crisis centers, the child protection system, CASA, the Coalition and the court. It is based on emerging best case practice in the relatively new field of co-occurrence and centers on the following principles:
-Children’s safety is intricately linked with the safety of their mothers.
-Batterer accountability is a key component of an effective intervention strategy.
-A strong safe relationship with mothers is critical to children’s well-being and resiliency.
-Community collaboration and response is necessary to create safety for families as well as promote the societal and cultural change necessary to eradicate family violence.