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September 8, 2019 | Webinar

Supporting Families Experiencing Domestic Violence who are Involved in the Child Welfare System: Lessons Learned from the Specialized Services for Abused Parents and Children Program


Eloise Sepeda, Yasmin Diallo Turk, Shellie Ryan, Kristina Scott

Date Recorded:

September 17, 2019


Domestic violence programs are important resources for survivors who are involved with the child welfare system. This webinar will share lessons learned from three grantees of the Specialized Services for Abused Parents and Children program: the Texas Council on Family Violence, SAFE Alliance, and the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence. Presenters will share what they’ve learned about serving families affected by domestic violence who are involved with child welfare. They will offer suggestions for domestic violence agencies to better advocate for parent and child survivors of domestic violence and change policies. Presenters will share strategies about partnering with child welfare professionals and increasing understanding about the connection between domestic violence and child abuse. Presenters will also share initial data about the impact of their work.

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this webinar, participants will be better able to:

  • Describe at least two pieces of an effective partnership between child welfare and domestic violence programs.

  • Describe three strategies to build domestic violence programs’ capacity to serve families involved in the child welfare system.

  • Identify three advocacy strategies that support parent survivors who are involved in the child welfare system.

  • Identify three lessons learned from the SSAPC grantees’ system and policy change efforts.


This webinar is supported by Grant Number 90EV0434-01-00 from the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Points of view in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.