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Bonds of Kinship


Delivery Approach:
  • Group
Delivery Format:
  • In-Person
  • Virtual
  • Hybrid
Provider Requirements:
  • DV/SA Advocate Led
  • DV Survivor Led
Type of Experience Addressed:
  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Refugee/Immigration
  • Verbal/Emotional Abuse
  • Mental Health Issues/Concerns
  • Historical Trauma
Engagement Methods:
  • Culturally Grounded
  • Experiential
  • Talk-Based
Level of Intervention:
  • Primary Prevention
  • Secondary Prevention
  • Less than 6 weeks
  • Community-Based Agency
  • Day Care
  • Domestic Violence Shelter
  • Family Service Agencies
  • Residential
  • School
Program Details:
Type of services provided:

Bonds of Kinship is a prevention program utilizing an Islamic framework to cultivate positive family relationships through skill-building. This faith-based program uses evidence-based methods to change the social norms that allow and condone domestic violence within Asian, South Asian, Asian Pacific Islander, and Middle Eastern communities by addressing the root causes of domestic violence, shifting cultural norms, building the skills needed for healthy relationships, and promoting respectful and healthy relationships. The program is rooted in sources from Islamic teaching, including the Holy Quran and examples from the Sunnah (life of the Holy Prophet Mohammed [peace be upon him]).

The multi-session program’s curriculum focuses on family structures and dynamics, self-compassion, intergenerational communication, and the role of the community in prevention work. Some of the topics covered in the series are:

    • Child Development and Discipline
    • Self-worth and Self-compassion
    • Intergenerational Communication

The goal of each session is for attendees to gain skills that will enhance their familial and communal relationships while recognizing that these skills are in accordance with Islamic values and equip them to share what they have learned with those around them.

Program setting:

Community-based agency, day care, domestic violence shelter, family service agencies, residential, and/or school.

Length of program/number of sessions:

5 x 2 hour sessions

Type(s) of trauma/concerns addressed:

Domestic violence, sexual abuse, refugee/immigration, verbal/emotional abuse, mental health issues/concerns, and historical trauma.

Education level of providers:

While there is no education level requirement, program implementers must have a strong background in understanding the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual abuse. The program is best implemented by a DV/SA advocate or a DV survivor.

Unique/Innovative Characteristics:

The program incorporates a unique combination of faith based values and scientific data to work with Muslim communities. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, program creators created a hybrid adaptation to provide online programming. Upon completion of the series, participants are invited to receive training as facilitators. Program creators aim to share this program within communities, and to support those who may wish to facilitate it in their community circles.

Date Added/Updated:

January, 9th 2024.

Population Served

  • 6-12 (Childhood)
  • 13-17 (Adolescent)
  • 18-25 (Young Adult)
  • 25 and up (Adult)
Population Language:
  • English
  • Arabic
Ethnic Racial Group:
  • Asian
  • South Asian
  • Middle Eastern
  • Arab
  • Child
  • Community
  • Grandparents
  • Parent who uses violence
  • Survivor parent


Population Adaptations:
Age range of people served:

6-12 (Childhood), 13-17 (Adolescent), 18-25 (Young Adult), 25 and up (Adult).

Are parent/adult caregiver(s) included in intervention?

Yes. This program primarily supports new and expecting parents/caregivers (typically pregnant persons or parents of children ages 0-3). Parents/caregivers can include teenage and adult parents. 

Ethnic/racial and other groups served:

Asian, South Asian, Middle Eastern, and Arab.

Specific cultural adaptations:

The program was created intentionally for Asian, South Asian, and middle eastern cultures with an Islamic faith-based approach, but is not an adaptation. Age appropriate adaptations were created for kids and teens/young adults. They are currently being piloted in select schools and youth groups.

Languages that service/resource is available:

English and Arabic.


Goals of the program/services:

To provide practical skills and tools, within an Islamic framework, which will enable the creation of positive family relationships.

Basis of Knowledge:

Lived expertise: The program model is rooted in the expertise of those most impacted by the program, such as survivor perspectives, identities, and histories, beyond professional or educational experience. Program creators identify with the population this program was created for and have intimate knowledge of the cultural lens, identities, and histories of those impacted by the program. Implementation approaches prioritize training community members and leaders, especially within the faith-based community, to implement programming at their centers. 

Practice-based evidence: The program model is based on various treatment approaches and supports derived from and supportive of the local community culture. Program creators incorporate existing violence prevention approaches to Bonds of Kinship programming and work to continuously improve the program based on participant feedback.  

Research: The program model and materials have been investigated in a systematic process. In 2016, needs assessment questionnaires were shared at mosques and other local organizations to learn about the needs of Muslim communities at the intersections of domestic violence prevention. API Chaya spent a year gathering information from the community, reflecting on the needs presented, and researching evidenced based approaches to violence prevention that could inform their program. This resulted in the creation of Bonds of Kinship, a faith-based approach to raise awareness and prevention of domestic violence.


Evaluation Studies:
Has there been any evaluation?

Yes. Since the program started, feedback surveys have been conducted to assess impact and inform program changes. 

Key evaluation results:

Participants responded well to the practical skills provided, appreciated the Islamic framework of the program, and recognized that the program was culturally appropriate.

Training & Resources

Training Language
  • English


Bonds of Kinship is open to providing translation services.

Training Available:
  • Yes
Training Details:
Training manuals/protocols:

The training is provided free of charge. Upon completion of the series, participants are invited to receive training as facilitators. Program creators aim to share this program within communities, and to support those who may wish to facilitate it in their community circles.

Training Contact:

Neelam Khaki
Website Link:
P.O. Box 14047
Seattle, WA 98114 U.S.A
Phone: 1-877-922-4292

Program Contact

Neelam Khaki