July 15, 2009 | Training
Connect: Supporting Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
Adapted by:
Denise Goodman
Edited by:
Leiana Kinnicutt, Shellie Taggart
Publication Date:
The work of supporting children who have been exposed to violence is a community responsibility, and the child protection system is one partner in that critical effort. However, the presence of even one loving and supportive adult in the life of a child who has been exposed to domestic violence (DV) can make all the difference in the world. When a family’s involvement in the child protection system leads to temporary out of-home placement or adoption of a child, a skilled and compassionate foster, kin, or adoptive parent can be that lifeline for the child.
This curriculum was adapted with generous support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Child and Family Policy Institute of California from a nine-hour advanced PRIDE training curriculum developed by the Child Welfare League of America. We wish to acknowledge their generosity in allowing us to shape a three-hour training session by paring down their training content in some areas while expanding upon it in others.